Workshop (October 23rd, 2024) - 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Is Your Code Safe? Best Practices for Cyber Security, DevOps Productivity, and Talent Retention with GitLab and x-RD
This 3-hour cloud-focused workshop will provide enterprise best practices for securing code, enhancing developer
productivity, and retaining technical talent - making your organisation attractive to NZ and AU markets. GitLab’s
comprehensive DevOps platform and x-RD’s secd3v will be central to the discussion, with a focus on key regulatory
frameworks like the Essential Eight, IRAP, and DISP as they apply to the NZ-AUS government landscape.
The workshop will feature practical guidance on navigating enterprise security challenges, managing outsourced talent, and ensuring
governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) through modern DevOps tools
Please bring your laptop fully charged.